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Sunset is sometimes seen as a symbol of the end coming near, but seeing a sunset is different. The slowly dimming sun provides a good backdrop for a burgeoning romance. The dimly lit surroundings create a conducive atmosphere for a bit of a sweet moment. And if you intend to step up and make your romance more hotter than usual then…well…

Anshe Chung provides you with another masterpiece sure to kindle the fiery passion deep within you! 100 animations and for only 1,698 credits, you can have an ultramodern home fully furnished with indoor pools, leopard fur -laced bed and sofa sets, Zebra skin carpet, flat screen tvs and glass panels. The home is a marvelous mix of bricks, wood and decorated ceramic tiles without overdoing the interior design.

But what makes the whole product more romantic is its wonderful rendition of the setting sun, reflecting light towards the serene blue lake. Pine trees add to the love-filled atmosphere and the puffy clouds provide breaks to create a diffused lighting effect.

The most beautiful sunset, most complete amenities, most romantic place. That’s Sunset Heaven.

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