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The Miriam Chung estate's history dates back to Second Life's first and most successful estate Dreamland, est. 2004. Today you can find many different types of residential, commercial and unzoned land parcels in this sim and whole sim rentals. As in all Anshe Chung Sims estates you receive 24/7 live support, free access to all items of the Anshe Chung Content Library and full access to our community facilities.

    • Estate:Miriam
    • Type:Homestead
    • Zoning:Mixed
    • Language:English
    • Features:Full Estate Manager Rights Island Sim
    • Sim:La Bella Luna
    • Rating:Adult
    • Texture:Customizable
    • Theme:No theme
    Lot Size Position Prims Weekly L$ SLURL
    #1 65536

    256 X 256

    N/A 5000 6299
    • Estate:Miriam
    • Type:Homestead
    • Zoning:Mixed
    • Language:English
    • Features:Full Estate Manager Rights Island Sim Mountains
    • Sim:Broken Promises
    • Rating:Adult
    • Texture:Customizable
    • Theme:No theme
    Lot Size Position Prims Weekly L$ SLURL
    #1 65536

    256 X 256

    N/A 5000 6299

Tuarua Estate

    • Estate:Tuarua
    • Type:Homestead
    • Zoning:Mixed
    • Language:English
    • Features:Continent Linden Sea Sailing
    • Sim:Tropical Diamond
    • Rating:Moderate
    • Texture:Grass/Sand
    • Theme:Tropical Islands
    Lot Size Position Prims Weekly L$ SLURL
    #1 65536

    256 X 256

    N/A 5000 6799

(Total: 53 )

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